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Wandelgids Walks Isle of Man | Hallewell Publications (9781872405698)

  • ISBN / CODE: 9781872405698
  • Editie: 2017
  • Aantal blz.: 32
  • Auteur(s): Richard Hallewell & Becky Coope
  • Uitgever: Hallewell Publications
  • Soort: Wandelgids
  • Taal: Engels
  • Hoogte: 14.6 cm
  • Breedte: 10.6 cm
  • Dikte: 1.4 cm
  • Bindwijze: Paperback
  • Uitvoering: -
  • Schrijf als eerste een review
  • 5,95

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The Isle of Man is a Crown Dpendency in the Irish Sea, equidistant from the UK and Ireland and is a terrific walking destination. Though the island is only 32 miles/51km long, it contains a wealth of different landscapes and walking types (moorland hills, coastal cliffs, woodland, farmland, sand dunes and beaches). There is a good network of signposted paths including a 102 mile/164km coastal path (Raad ny Foillan) and handsome towns and villages besides. This new guide features walks ranging from 1.5 - 11 miles (2.5 - 18kms) - highlights include the climb up Snaefell and the sea cliffs of Bradda Head and Spanish Head. This guide is part of a popular series of A6 pocket walking guides which describe routes which are suitable for walkers of all abilities and to suit all tastes. Route descriptions are accompanied by 2-colour sketch maps. The guides are illustrated with line illustrations, and will provide walkers with a good introduction to what each area covered has to offer.


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